The Simplest Pleasures

by Curing the Comon Cliche   Jan 20, 2008

The simplest pleasures
the first day of spring
the wind in the grass
the birds softly sing

the simplest pleasures
the look of her face
the slow detour street
from life's busy race

the simplest pleasures
the look in her eyes
kissing on the beach
watching the sun rise

the simplest pleasures
the touch of her hair
the hug from that someone
when no one is there

sitting in the shade
watching the sky
knowing the simplest pleasures
are for after we die

this is my new happiest poem. please comment. i have never written a poem knowing what I'm gonna write about i just put my pencil on the paper and write what ever comes out. this poem took a very sudden turn at the end i was hoping a love poem came out of that pencil but no. anyway i really love ur comments and criticism. THANK U.


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  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    GAH! i left you a crappy comment. ^^^^
    lol...jesse...i miiiiiissss seeing you happy like that. this poem is beautiful, and you continue to get better every's ridiculous.

  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    So beautiful and joyful. !!!! <3

  • 17 years ago

    by Girl Behind the Mask

    I like this poem even more than the last one i commented only....... love love love it!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by gabriella

    I love it duh you put into words what i could no express i lvoe this poem soo mcuh god has greatly gifted yo uwith inspiration and i know one day your hard work will be put to use keep up the good work 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by emILY

    Very Good. Love the flow. I see a pattern in your writing. The same long, short lines. I like that style its very nice.

    Good work, keep on writing! ;)