Comments : I'm not what I seem

  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    I think all people go through this stage of life when you are confused about yourself and don't know what to do.
    you will find your guidnace someday...

    as for the poem, it has such silent meanings, it was written well with such a good style suits this section(sad and depression section)

    "I can't trust myself
    and neither can you
    I have no map
    To show you whats true

    Unless you come along
    To guide me to me
    And discover my shadow
    before it stops being me! "

    very nice lines

  • 17 years ago

    by UndisclosedG

    Love it! i can relate cos i find myself in an unexplainable space ..unexplainable even to myself!
    look high in the sky or deep in your heart..and you'l find you..:)

  • 17 years ago

    by Vonnie McHugh

    Well done

  • 17 years ago

    by Happy without a reason

    Good one

  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    This poem is really wonderful. It has reminded me of my self. I keep lots of secrets too and I hardly find the person who I can tell him those secrets, but I am here dear friend. you can tell all your hidden secrets.