Comments : The white of rose (lyrics)

  • 17 years ago

    by amber

    First off....did you write this song?? cause i know some people take songs and put them on here becaust they mean alot to them.....but this is BEAUTIFUL!!! it gave me cold chills and it made me want to cry because we crucified such a pure and innocent man that came here to try and give us eternal life. We are a cruel people. Sin marks us and yet God forgives us....this is absolutely breathtaking. It honors me to be the first to comment on this heartbreaking yet superb write. you have such talent. thank you so much for the comment on mine. please continue to check out my work and i will continue to check out yours. Again, amazing.....thank you

  • 17 years ago

    by sunni

    Wooahh..this is crazy!!!
    i love it yer an awesome poet/song writer
    maybe you should consider selling this poem to defjam or something :] they would take it for sure

    this song is awesome. keep it up !

  • 17 years ago

    by Filledwithjoy

    That is truly amazing...