Societies Secrets

by Stephanie   Jan 20, 2008

Tears roll down a young girl's cheeks.
She pulls a pillow to her mouth to silence her sobs.
"You dirty worthless -----!"
She tries to drown out the sounds of her parents.
She Cries for her poor helpless mother.
She cries for herself.
She knows she is next.
It is always the same when her dad comes home.

Another time another place
a 17 year old boy stumbles into a chair.
"One more beer," he laughs merrily.
One... Two... Three... Four...
"No more," his friend pleads, "please."
"Co.. Come on... Ano..."
His head falls forward unto his chest.
His friends run to forward to check him.
No pulse.

A nervous 14 year old walks into his friends basement.
He is greeted with a slap on the back and a joint.
One that is going to cost him dearly.
He is questioned on when he is going to pay for it.
For this joint and numerous ones from the past.
"When I get it" is his answer.
His older friends get angrier and angrier with him.
They begin to punch and yell at him demanding their money.
He was admitted to the hospital the same night and stayed three months.

A mother shakes in anger and frustration.
A father keeps his head low in shame.
"I did not mean it," stutters their frightened daughter.
"You will have an abortion," her mother shrieks.
"No," her father stands.
She sheds heartbroken bitter tears.
Lost her innocence.
Lost her boyfriend.
Loosing her parents.
And might loose her baby.

Her head shrieks in pain from the blow.
She tries to get up only to be knocked back down.
"Your going nowhere," laughs the figure.
She tries to fight him off but he is too strong.
"This cannot happen to me," she thinks.
Slowly but forcefully he forces himself on her.

Our society has so many dark secrets.
Beatings, Alcoholism, Drugs,
Teen Pregnancy, Abortion, Rape.
Why do we have these secrets?
Why must some be forced to keep them?
So many stories of these secrets.
So many ending in death, shame and hurt.
Our society has so many dark secrets.

please vote on this. thanks!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Liz

    I think our society only keeps secrets bc they are afraid to be looked down on for messing up or having something bad happen to them
    i think people shouldn't be scared of telling their past bc its over now and you cant change whats happened
    but you can talk about it so you dont feel so alone

    i like the poem
    long but good

  • 17 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    Wow this is amazing

    u created kinda kaleidoscope of different stories

    and it really made me think, why do we prefer to see some "glitter" and decept ourselves instead of coping with these problems

    Truly, this poem is exceptional

  • 17 years ago

    by K3LS3Y

    Wow, i REALLY liked this poem a lot. personally, i havent been through any of those instances (thankfully) but i know people that have been through each one of those crazy times. its really sad that our world is like this, but i guess we just have to make the best of it. great job :-)

  • 17 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    This is a rare poem telling of a truth that most refuse to belive exists. thanx for writing this!! :):)

  • 17 years ago

    by Pixxie Rebel

    I love this. It's so true, isn't it funny that we just turn a blind eye to everything?