The Nothing Which You've become

by amber   Jan 20, 2008

I stand here broken...can you see me?
In my time of need, i call for you
I come to you for comfort....
For that shoulder you've promised....
But i find it not. And again,
You break me down to the nothing i've become.

I stand here alone...can you see me?
I reach out for you to comfort me
To give me the touch i've desired for so long....
But i feel you not...
I'm alone as I've always been...And
You break me down to the nothing i've become.

I stand here shattered...can you see me?
Falling apart piece by piece...
Helplessly seeking the attention to be fixed...
You hold the needle and thread which can put me back together....
But fix me, you don't...And,
You break me down to the nothing i've become.

I stand here mending myself...I'm sure you can see me
For i'm not there when you are broken...
When you are alone....
When you are shattered...
I didn't come when you called..
I didn't comfort you when you need it...
I didn't sew you back together when you were ripped apart....
I mended myself, licked my wounds, and i stand here...
Scarred and alone, but not broken.

I stand here falling in love again...but this time,
It is much different.
I am seen, i am felt, i'm together....i'm me...and i'm strong...
For guys like you can only break me once.
if i break again, that is my fault for letting you break me....
So i do not break...I walk away.....
For i am the nothing which 'you've' become......



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  • 17 years ago

    by Lithium

    Thats a really good piece i can see this as helped you express yourself and come to terms with things. I can see by the end of this poem you have gained strength in the fact you are nothing liek this other person. Great piece xox sam