The old nurse asked for lotion on her skin.
Shes ninety-five years old and still rolling.
Hunchbacked and crippled she still smiles.
In her room we chatted and talked for a while.
With a sparkle in her eyes she gave me a grin.
She explained how much she enjoyed being a LPN.
Said she didn't get around like she used to.
But her eyes were still charming and deep blue.
Warmed the lotion in my hands and began to apply.
She said I should charge and then I asked why.
Told me of her two sons; A doctor and a dentist.
Interesting to listen to; I felt like an apprentice.
Told me how the nursing home was a hospital, then.
And how much it had changed since way back when.
She said that she was glad that folks still care.
Wondered if there would be call lights up there.
I warmed the lotion in my hands to rub her down.
I took off her day clothes and put on her gown.
I laid her on her bed and left down the hall.
Thankful that there was always someone on call.