Sorry I Exist

by Matt Arent   Jan 21, 2008

I hear her cries,
They burn my heart.
I cry realizing what I have done,
Hurting the last person who cared.
You barely speak to me anymore,
Avoiding my eyes as we pass.
You were an angle bringing me home,
Then evil consumed me.
Eating and sleeping are not in my daily routine,
My health slowly Deteriorating.
A simple arguement started it all,
One that could have meant nothing.
Never before did I think this could happen,
To find my heart in uncountable pieces.
I try to apologize,
But what good could it be.
My unforgivable actions were released,
Monsters who's only goal is to destroy.
I miss being who I once was,
The one people loved.
Caring and generous,
Not a nightmare people have.
Shund from society,
Dirty looks come from all directions.
Everyone knows what I did to you,
Depising me and wanting me to disappear.
I hope your tears will set you free,
Free of me and our past.
A long road to hell awaits me,
I better start the walk now.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kimmie

    This is a great poem i understand also i did that once to some one and im still paying for it..... oh well great job
