Comments : Tread Lightly In The Water, Darling.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. oh my god. i'm aware this has so many serious tones and such depth to it, but i can't help but think the same thing for every line...HAHAHAHA. i am in love with this poem. the emotion you put into it was so intense that it was overwhelming, while at the same time you managed to keep it from becoming overbearing for the reader. the imagery you placed into this piece is fantastic, it created stunning, striking visuals for me as the reader, and your flow is just perfect. i read this silently and then out loud and it doesn't falter once. the words just fall right of my tongue. i adore the sarcasm you used in this, it added such a powerful affect on the overall piece, and kept me smiling throughout. "I'll help you drown." HAHAHA! easily my favourite part of the piece, and the repetition of this line worked very well. this is just awesome. going into my favourites, definitely. i love this.

  • 17 years ago

    by Angie

    WOW, what can I say that Dizzy ^^above hasn't already said. This piece is awesome, its filled with emotions that are breathtakingly intense, if that makes any sense, lol. I truly adore this piece, well done Mel.

  • 17 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    "more important things to you..." = "more important things than you..."

    I utterly and completely love this poem with all of my heart. It's the type of poem I actually saw in my head in black and white. I don't know why, but it just clicked with me. From the first line to the last line, I just loved it.

    You have created a story in few words, and it's one of pleasurable vengeance. I wouldn't have been able to write such wonderful a poem, even if I tried with all my life.

    Truly a talent this proves to be.

    Fantastic write, hon.

    ~Stephen White

  • I love it!It seems to me like you're saying what goes around comes around and I love that aspect.Amazing poem and an even better read.5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Wow... This is so powerful. You expressed emotions fantastically from the beginning to the end. Every stanza is truly effective. I like the sarcasm of this piece, it gives it very original tone.
    I can't choose my favorite part, whole poem is great. The emotions are expressed excellently and I could feel your frustrations and mixed anger and pain...
    Keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by Deana

    A wee bit angry are we? It was refreshing to read what we all feel sometimes but hesitate to say , I kind of find sarcasm amusing so I really enjoyed this....great job.

  • 17 years ago

    by Brittany

    Perfect actually.
    It says everything you wish you could say. You feel it so strongly sometimes that you can't even put words in your own mouth. But this...this poem...these are the words.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kittens Poems

    WHOA! YIKS... Feel better?

  • 17 years ago

    by Nix

    Well, this is truly interesting it kept my attention and I am quite impressed.
    Ending left me literally speechless, you always have a fantastic way to end a masterpiece like this one, ending line is so effective and the fact that you ended a poem with a opening line fascinates me cause it is truly powerful and I felt like the whole piece goes in circles, I don't now how to explain that.
    This is really different from your usual work but I still admire your writing, this piece posses a overwhelming inner sarcasm. All in all beautifully done.

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Oh I just loved this! The hidden humor behind this was just wonderful and you just wrote everything with such ease and beautiful. You truly have a way with words and creating flawless imagery. I always find myself lost in the scenes you create with your words .. so captivating. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    Wow this poem is amazing and very very nicely written.. it kept me interested the entire time.. it just pulled me in ... it is a very powerful poem.. i cant really describe the way it made me feel.. i loved it.. great write! nice job =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Edward Latina

    This poem has that same feel of the guy who is fed up with all the crap his ditsy little girlfriend puts him through. Of course thats what it is but it seems so much different than what you would hear most people say doesn't it? You convey the real feelings most guys have toward their girlfriends! Good job.

  • 16 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    Tread lightly in the water darling if I had the chance I'd help you drown,
    `Easily the best line in this piece -- and the most sarcastically wicked thing I've EVER heard. I just adore it.

    You've become such a nonsense to me spluttering your tear-less lies.
    `"Such a nonsense to me" sounds odd. My brain keeps replacing it with nuisance instead of seeing "nonsense."

    A splash of sea salt to those pupils would teach you how to whimper,
    But oh no that would be too much for you, To weep just once for me.
    `Two lines that say so much. I love the choice of words. The first line is just BRiLLiANT. "Teach you how to whimper." It's so compelling. The mockery of these words are just a real smile-cracker.

    Like sand to a salty crotch you've become such a fine neurotic itch,
    Though sweetie if you add a B you'll surely realize what you truly are.
    `HAHAHAHA ! i LOVE iT. This is by the far my most FAVOURiTE poem that I've EVER read in my LiFE. "If you add a B" -- very clever, I must say. And the way you end it is, your work literally leaves me speechless -.-''

    This whole piece is just -shivers. It gave me goosebumps, laughs, and it was such a compelling piece. Ahh! Your words are a beautifully captivating world to get lost in.
