Coming Out Of The Closet

by Alexander   Jan 21, 2008

I am not what many would think...
I am not what they all see me as.
It's strange that i hide myself,
even from those who should understand me.

I'm not sure how my parents would react,
if i told them my secret.
I'm also not sure how my friends would react,
if they knew the truth about me.

It always seems easier to tell people you don't know,
people you know you will never meet.
If only it were as easy to tell those you love,
without fearing rejection.

The truth is i am gay,
yes you heard me right.
It was so easy to just type that right now,
since i know that no one that reads it can judge me.

Why does life have to be so hard,
and why do you have to fear what the ones that you hold closest think about you?
I really wish i could tell them all...
but i don't want them to shun me...

I'm so confused...
I'm starting to loose myself...
I mean is it wrong...
Am i strange to be this way...
Can i really help who i love...
If i tried could i make these feelings go away...
To tell the truth i'm not sure anymore...


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  • 2 years ago

    by Korlaja Holmes

    Yes I love this poem, It was very helpful to me and made me come to the conclusion that it's not a bad thing that you love the person you love and you shouldn't feel bad for loving who you love. I love this poem so much because it matches my life/ story so much I do recommend this poem to anyone who is having a hard time coming out as the person you really are.

  • 2 years ago

    by Korlaja Holmes

    Yes I love this poem, It was very helpful to me and made me come to the conclusion that it's not a bad thing that you love the person you love and you shouldn't feel bad for loving who you love. I love this poem so much because it matches my life/ story so much I do recommend this poem to anyone who is having a hard time coming out as the person you really are.

  • 16 years ago

    by Alexander

    Thank you everybody. ^_^

    And I am glad to say that I have come out to my friends, and they excepted it.

    In fact most of them said 'Finally you realize it, my god you were such a closet case.'

    But I still have not come out to my family...or to put it in better words I have still not come out to my parents...and I am not sure that I will until I move out...

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Wow,amazing poem, every word really touched me,good job!!

  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    Damn gd poem
    keep up the awesome work
    i try not to judge ppl coz deep down besides sexuality and colour of skin and watnot, we are all human.
    5/5 work.

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