Comments : Testify

  • 17 years ago

    by neo


  • 17 years ago

    by Trying to let go of reality

    Interesting. R u free?

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    Although I would have classed this more of a Quote than a Poem, I think it is (as I expected) very thought provoking. Are we free? Do we still seek our freedom? Are we really seeking a life free from materialism?

    We are all bound by something, to be unbound is to have nothing to fall back on. I think everyone in their own right has a materialistic side to them, some may wish to be free from the chains that bind.

    Enough explanation; no explanation is required.


  • 11 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Interpretation to this short piece can be approached in various ways. One can explore multiple facades of a minor entity.

    What I fail to pin point with precision, is whether the author is fabricating the realized notion of being a victim of bondage? and is in denial? for subliminally he/she could be aware, yet not letting it erupt forth. Or is the author surrendering and intentionally accepting the bondage? Freedom can be scary, depending upon the circumstances one has endured. Plus, isn't uncontrolled freedom the same as chaos?

    Very well written.