The Email!

by Christina   Jan 22, 2008

I get on the computer
bored as can be
I click my email
to see if I have a message

I notice my friend hadn't signed out of hers
there was a message on the screen
I wasn't going to be noisy
until I noticed my name in the conversation

it was between my best guy friend
and my best friend
I started to read it
I knew it wasn't a good idea

I started to read it
as a teardrop rolled down my cheek
and onto the keyboard
I couldn't read much more

my guy friend said I was a s.l.u.t
my best friend agreed
how could she,
but he surprised me the most

he starts to tell her I was going to have to choose
choose between them and my other friends
said that I loved a player
but maybe he's not

it looks like he is,
but he can't hide his feelings from me
I know he loves me
I just wish you would to

if you love me so much you would want the best for me
even if it's not with you
I know it's hard
but I love him

you don't realize how much that hurt
that email absolutely killed me
made me not trust you
and I'm sorry it came to that

just remember what you said
in that email
with my other best friend
how could you?


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  • 17 years ago

    by XxDeAdAnDbRoKeNiNsIdExX

    I am so best friend did that to me just recently only she told everyone in school so if it wasnt for my b/f i would not make it through the day!

  • 17 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    Wow, that's just painful and plain mean. On the light side you were consistent and stayed on the message and got your point across, but dang that reminded me of a situation I was in. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    Oh no... that was such a sad story. But still really well written. What I don't understand is the guy side of it... was a little confusing in the way you flowed from one point to another, but still!

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Im sorry this happened. ive never read an email about that, but ive over heard conversations and read nots along the lines of this. if someone can do this to someone else, they are not your friend


  • 17 years ago

    by Still Slightly Broken

    you poor thing
    having your best friends think that about you
    but i didnt realy get it so does the guy friend like you?

    dont loose faith

    kelsey xx