Missing You

by Sweet Little Lie   Jan 22, 2008

Life's bringing me down, I don't know what to do, I spend all my time just thinking of him.
He said to me right at the start, he'd fallen for me, and wouldn't break my heart.
So 1 month went on, our feelings were strong, I was in love, nothing could go wrong.
2 months now past, time was going fast, he repeated the words "Our love will always last!"
He gave me confidence, I felt happy and free, but then a week later he let go of me!
Why has he done this, what did I do wrong, how could this have happened, our feelings were so strong.
I feel stupid, because I didn't see, even this boy was going to hurt me.
Now its 3 months since he let me go, I still feel love for him, but from him to me, I'll never know.
But then....
He says to me some feelings still remain, but hearing that fills me with confusion and pain.
If only I had listened to what my friends said, then maybe I wouldn't feel so broken and dead.
70 days have been and gone, my feelings for you still don't seem wrong.
I miss his touch, taste and smell, and his laugh and smile that I know so well.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Well, i always say "guys are jerks" unfortunately this is a disease that hit most guys.

    as for the poem, it was awesome as usual

  • 16 years ago

    by Estefania

    Really good poem and i can totaly relate!! 10/10

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Damn, I hate that feelings! I hope u can get over soon! Someone is out there wanted love too but it will take awhile to find him later! Beautifullyy written! 5/5!

  • 17 years ago

    by Soulful Ensemble

    I hope you get over him.

  • 17 years ago

    by Lauren

    Aw babe. we've all been there. ik u've prly heard it all before, but sometimes u just have to let go. beautiful poem. : )

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