Broken Heart

by Juan   Jan 22, 2008

I've deeply fall inlove with you,
but it never came back,
i gave you my heart,
but you just trashed it out,
i open my arms for you,
but it seems that your not even there.

My heart was the only treasure i have left,
and still you wreckted it in pieces,
for i have lost everything.

I could never think twice,
i could never dream,
i could never wish,
the only purpose in my life is sorrow and pain.

Even though you broke my heart,
and played with my mind,
i still love you deeply, no matter what,
i still accept you for who you are,
since i have feelings and thoughts of you,
running pass my Broken Heart.


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  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Man juan this is a really nice poem and i liked it alot even though it was really sad i hope things get better. keep up the good writting. kasia 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Fanny

    Nice poem like all the poems its sad but well written . im looking forward to reading more poems from you

  • 17 years ago

    by Beatrice

    Really great poem and I loved the flow. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by jLegendc

    YO JUAN! wow you just put them and you already got ppl commenting.. nice yo =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Soulful Ensemble

    I know how you feel my friend. I enjoyed your poem and how it flowed.