Comments : Angel

  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    This is a really good poem. i enjoyed reading it. 5/5 kasia

  • 17 years ago

    by I Rita Valentine I

    Ohhhhhhh so sweet if u writin these poems for a special girl then i wish u 2 happy love life ^^

  • 17 years ago

    by Heer

    Ohhh my GOD

    that is so butifull!!!:D

    so sweet...
    good work

  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    Hello Stephen! The first thing I would like to say is beautiful concept for this poem. The words are emotional, but they can be strong if you take away the extra wording that throws off the flow. I also think that you should try breaking it up into stanza's and reread it out-loud; that way you can actually hear how the flow is going. For example, the first, second, and third line were right on time, but the fourth one totally threw off the flow of what I think could have been used as a Hallmark card. : ) I also notice how you switch between views in the poem. What I mean by that is you start off as if your talking about your Angel to someone else, then you switch as if your talking to her. This confuses the reader; try using only one view. You also need to add punctuation (Punctuation is a big key part of poetry)and capitalize all single I's. I think this is going to be a magnificent poem when you're done making changes. I look forward to reading the edited version. Great Job!
