I wish you were here

by Watches Above Us   Jan 23, 2008

Why did u leave me
You said you would be here for me
I know you love me
You would never want to see me in pain
But you leaving me causes me to have so much pain

I try to be strong
But i feel so feel weak when i think about you
But when i think of the advice you gave me
I become so strong

The only time i ever see you is in my dreams
We are all together and happy
You are not in pain
I am not in pain
But that is only in my dreams

But i know that i will see you again
When i get up to heaven
I will ask were Dovarha Levy is

I will run to you
You will put your white wings around me
And you will tell me that you will always be there for me

I know you are watching over me
Every time i do something wrong
I can feel you trying to say no

I know that you are there
Some were up there
And i will see again
But for now rest in peace

i will love you and i will never forget what you have taught me over the years while you were alive
and i will pass it down till i see you again


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jodie Phillips

    Arghh this is a very sad poem, for someone of your age to write it is amazing great job sorry for your loss

  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow from the 3rd stanza to the last your poem was truly powerful and swaying i loved it nice job 5/5 maybe u can read one of mine.