by kasun   Jan 23, 2008

Knowing very well that playing a losing game
Praying every time for a change of heart
Looking at stars just trying to forget the pain
Seeing my self, when I am falling apart

Pretending that there is hope, when there is non
Dont have any option then to play the game, nothing else to do
Feeling the time is running out, burning my self like on the hot sun
Never wanted to be just A GUY WHO SCOLDED at you

Wish I could fly and leave everything behind
To a place that there is no one to hurt me as such
But the fact that I cant let you go in my mind
Just hating my self for loving you so much

Teach me to stop hurting my self
Teach me to be like you
When I see your deep endless eyes
Teach me to stop falling for you

The day I die please dont cry
Be as happy as u can be
Because finally one who really really loved you
Have found some peace, much like the sea.


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  • 17 years ago

    by mheimhei

    Ahw.,so sad.,but its nice.,keep it up.,XD

  • 17 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    This is so sad!!! and beautiful!! well done!! :):)

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Woah...What a very depressing poem..i like everythin about the poem...the emotion is so deep..good job..5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Unknown Substance

    This is a very nice poem but i think it would be better if you went through it and fixed the things that copy and paste has done to it... GReat poem though 5.5

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