MiLeS AwAy

by The Queen   Jan 23, 2008

When I think of us
Miles away,
I need to grasp my breath.
I've had nothing but tears
And eternal pains in my heart.
Until the day we'll first meet,
Ill pray that day will come
When I can see,
And hold you for real
Instead of in my dreams,

Although I cannot hug you,
In my heart there is a place
Where I can reach you,
And wipe all the tears.
Until the day I see you,
We will make this through.
So from this day until eternity,
Always remember the love
That I have for you.

Through the channels of time my love, my overflowing love and affection, may reach out to you, wherever you are.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Hehe Myryn, this was close to the time we met, I think! :-) This poem reminds me of you and our distance. ^.^ Love you, girl!

  • 16 years ago

    by LoveTear

    Wooow mashallah ! verry nice i love it coz it's something which reperesent my life .... 5/5 My favorite!Good

  • 16 years ago

    by your love is mine

    Wow this poem is really good=)

  • 16 years ago

    by MissMeg

    Great job,
    Beautifully written,
    I really enjoyed it.

  • 17 years ago

    by KJ

    Very good poem. Loved everything about it, especially the emotion you put into it. You expressed your feelings and thats what made me fall in love with it. The flow was absolutley perfect. My favorite lines were the last two

    ""Through the channels of time my love, my overflowing love and affection, may reach out to you, wherever you are."

    Good job