Man or Male?

by Ekundayo   Jan 23, 2008

There are Men...

and then

there are males.

Which one are you?

Man or Male?

Is it that you were born with the genitalia
that biologically separates you
and determines your gender as being male?

Or is it that
your mind,
your heart,
your soul

have matured such that

your thoughts,
your words,
your actions

can place you among the few
who are privileged
to be called MEN.

Man or Male?

Such manly thoughts and actions
are not sexually oriented,
but may be manifested
in the way that
the Man honours
the women who surround him -
does he treat them as Queens,
or as sex objects?
As treasures,
or as slaves?

Man or Male?

The ability to perform sexually
is not the criteria which determines
whether or not you are a Man -
it simply identifies you as an adult male.

The Man does
not delight in drinking
or proving his manhood to his peers.
Nor is he afraid of his manhood being
challenged by his associates.

The Man is
confident in himself
and what he stands for.

The Man is not
a chameleon who
changes faces
to suit the appropriate crowd
at any given time.

Man or Male?

I have met many males in my life,
but few Men.
Few who can stand as Men
without having to proclaim themselves as such.
Few whose manhood speaks for itself.
Few who respected me
as a woman
and treasured me
as a Queen.
Few who understood what it means
to be a Man and were willing
to take up the challenge to do just that -

Be a Man.

To you, my male friends, I offer this challenge...

Man or Male?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Whitney

    OMG!!, this is amazing i love it and it is so true and everything you mention in it happens everyday before our eyes. yet some women dont ever see it which is horrible, but for those who do, they understand exactly! what your talking about and the point that your trying to put across. Wonderful write, loved reading it!! 5/5 from me