Cut me till i bleed

by Krayz Lyfe   Jan 23, 2008

Blade running through my skin
puncturing deep within
pain surging all around
crying,screaming and shouting now

crimson blood slipping down
pain smothering me now
blacking out, eyes closed tightly
insides ripped out, escaping reality

tears trickling down
both, blood and tears hit the ground


my light leaving me
my soul giving in
breathing heavily
screaming loudly...

waking up from my dream death
sweating profusely, gasping for breath

blink once...
looking around
nothing looks nice
no one I know
and no one knows me

no where to hide
wanting to die
wanting to the answer to
"where am I?"

i cant tell
i must be in a living hell
cant breathe
cant cry
cant hide
from the numbing pain
I'm so dead inside

no one hears
but no tears

yes, now i can tell
I'm in a living hell...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ariana Mejia

    This is a great is so is perfect...great job:)

  • I'm still your biggest fan, just what the doctor ordered ;)

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexis

    That was really good and i've experienced it

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexis

    That was really good and i've experienced it

  • 17 years ago

    by Jess

    Im in ahm apsolute love with this poem!

    i like your writing style!
