I thank god for my parents

by 1IN LUV AGAIN3   Jan 23, 2008

I know that i shouldn't hate my parents
i know that there the reason in here today
i don't regret anything about them but i do
regret lying to them cuz now i have to
watch my mom cry telling me baby i realize that i can't
trust you anymore.
i had to go through a lot of crying with my dad
cuz right now he's the reason i love him so much
so i thank God for giving me the parents that i have right now.
And I'm sorry God that every minute i lied to them cuz now i realize that they been through a lot
to give me what i have right now.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Fanny

    Wow. i also lied to my mom and dad for about 4 years now cause im having boyfriends but im not a loud and everytime that i have one they call me on the phone and i have to say a big lie and now i notice wat you notice .loved the poem it really touched my heart .keep writing

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