The Last

by Fanny   Jan 24, 2008

The last kiss
The last wish
The last talk
The last walk
your just a player
I'm not going to call you a trader
you do the same with every girl
first the flirt
at the end you just hurt
second a kiss
at the end it was just a twist
you put my hopes up
but to be with you i need a lot of luck
ill still like you
you play with girls hearts thats all you do
the last time
the last poem that rhymes
probably ill say Hi
but please don't ask why?
i hope you find a other girl toy
cause your not going to be my baby boy

p.s this poem is for a contest


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  • 17 years ago

    by jLegendc

    This is rather interesting.. it had a flow and it rhymes.. and i like the story behind it.. nice poem =]

  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Woow this is really ood and i loved your ryming in it. i know how you feel i have had a guy do that to me i think almost every girl goes through somthing like that

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    This one was one of your best the way you kept a flow and kept rythuming really good
    job on this one 5/5 again