Comments : Welcome to Hollywood!

  • 17 years ago

    by Katie

    I really like this poem; the message is so true! When a celebrity dies, it's all around my school, and I think who is he or she.
    Anyway back to the poem, the images were very palpable and it flowed smoothly. Also, it seemed to have been written from your heart. It was almost like a story within a poem to me for some reason. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Amina

    This is true.
    Good job.

  • 17 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    I love this piece! I'm shocked at it's rating. (Just so you kow I voted it a 4, because I did really like it and I hardly ever vote a 5 unless the piece is phenomenal) I loved the tone of the piece, mocking the celebrities and in a way the people obsessed with them, and then repeatingly saying 'Welcome to Hollywood!'.
    My favorite lines were;

    Skimpy skirts that show what you got,
    Red carpet, whether you're hot or you're not,

    Brilliant! Well, I like them anyway.


  • 17 years ago

    by A Victim of Fate

    Thank you you guys