Thank You

by Mandy Lou   Jan 24, 2008

At first when I started this poem,
I thought to myself
It should say that I love him
But that quickly flew to the shelf

This poem, my dear, is not like the rest
For I am here to say Thank You
Strange, it may seem, for a love poem
But it makes sense, I will prove it is true.

For always holding me extra tight
For running your fingers through my hair
For laughing at my silly jokes
And always trying not to stare

Thank You for kissing so gently
But refusing to let go
For meaning what you say
And never telling me No.

For letting your love show in your eyes
And your lust in your fingertips
For pushing all my buttons
With your warm and tender lips

Thank You for telling me the truth
Even when it is not what I wanted to hear
Thank You for holding me
And wiping away each tear

Thank You for loving me
It is not an easy thing to do.
But, You do it so perfectly
And I just wanted to Thank You


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  • 17 years ago

    by Zer0riginZ

    Beautifully constructed,
    beautifully said,
    I couldn't have wrote better,
    such things aren't in my head.

    :) ehehehehehe I'm a rhyme machine... Woah sounds like time machine. :D I rule. Hehehehe, THANK YOU, for writing and being loveable as I remember SQUEEKS :)... Mandy Lou is fitting cuz its cute. :)

  • 17 years ago

    by aFiReInSiDe

    Awe thats a really sweet poem, I really like it