So softly, into my ear.

by Mr Rhee   Jan 25, 2008

There are times when everything
feels like it never changed.
As though you didn't stay mad
at the thing I didn't do.

You hold me, and kiss me,
and everything is alright again.
I can touch you, and hold you,
without being pushed away.

I can look into your eyes,
and not see the anger, or the hate.
You look at me with those eyes,
and I fall in love all over again.

I've walked up to you time and again,
and kissed that soft part of your neck.
You closed your eyes, parted your lips,
and sighed so softly, into my ear.

And then, it all just falls to dust,
when you get so cold with me.
It all fades away so quickly, again,
when you say those words again.

You say you don't want to be with me,
and that you still hate me.
You say it so matter of factually,
like it would never bother me at all.

That thing you hate me for,
that thing I haven't done for you.
It will get done, soon, just like I said,
and promised, and swore to.


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  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Again, a very beautiful love poem.
    "I can look into your eyes,
    and not see the anger, or the hate.
    You look at me with those eyes,
    and I fall in love all over again."

    All love should be like this.

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexander

    I can see where you were trying to go with this piece, i just think you might have tried a little to hard. Some of the lines seemed a bit forced. The twist in the middle was a shock and it keep me reading tell the end to see what happened. The imagery in it is also very breath-taking. All together i must say it is a very heart-stopping piece. 4/5
