
by BlEeDiNg FoR tHe OnE i LoVe   Jan 25, 2008

We were together and it was all fun
But in a matter of seconds you were gone
I cant believe this happened, it shoulda been me
I was the one driving cant you see
Coming home from a party that was all fun and games
You were pissed off and started calling me names
I turned to you and ask, Why tell me Why!?!
Plz, Plz just stop you're making me cry
With nothing to do i just turned away
When i seen growning headlights coming my way
All I could do was let out a scream
Hoping it all was just a bad dream!
Laying in bed with bumps and some bruises
"Nurse, just tell me, what the bad news is!"
She told me my boyfriend had died on the spot
And that in his system they found lots of pot
I started to cry, didnt know what to do
The nurse said, "Im sorry, but the parents blame you"
What!?! Why?!? How can this be?
How can they blame ME for this tragedy!!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by brokenmind

    Your profile says your poems are true, but i hope this one isnt! its such a sad tale!.

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