A Stupid Nokia

by jennaleeexxx   Jan 25, 2008

Hate boiling to the top
with every slip of the truth that comes out from between your lips
and every snort of cocaine that enters into your blood system.

you have a few scarred children,
a confused mother,
and druggie friends.
this is the life you live.

you puncture me into the heart
with every drink you take,
every drug purchase made.

you plead to me;
i've changed!
i've changed!

well, here's the issue.
you haven't.
i will decide when you've changed when
my heart is healed,
my scars have faded,
and our family is like it used to be.

so plead some more,
go right ahead.
because only i can decide if you've changed....
when my pieces are mended.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    Wow!!! This is a very, strong, emotional poem. Every word is filled with such raw hatred (I can actually feel the hatred myself). It's so full of emotion. I don't no if this makes sense to you or not; but, it's like you captured hate itself and let it write out its own message. I really enjoyed reading this. You really are creative and talented. I look forward to reading more of your work. I hope that you take the time to read some of the other members poetry of The Official Creative Crew, and see if you can give them a few pointers. Great Job !


  • 17 years ago

    by AmirahBbydll

    This ones good. I like the things you write about Jenna; call me crazy, but I do. Probably because; of the way you put things. & Also because of your background. Please, keep writing. You'll go far I swear. (: Iloveyou.