Dear Santa

by ShawnnaLeigh   Jan 26, 2008

I'm finally writing
And didn't you hear?
I tried really hard
To be good this year

My list will be short
It's not something you can make
It has to be real
I can't live with a fake

But what I want
Is not hard to find
But if you can't get it
...I really won't mind..

As long as you try
It won't be as bad
As long as you try
I won't be so mad

But I just want his eyes
To be focused on me
I want to be the only one
He'd want to see

I only want him
To kiss my lips
I only want his hands
To touch my hips

I want his arms
Wrapped around my waist
I want his kiss
to be the last thing I taste

I want his body
To listen to his mind
There is only one
But he's not hard to find

It's several great things
But comes in a pack of one
And with this great thing
I can have years of fun.

Please, please Santa
It'll bring me much joy
All I want for Christmas
Is this fabulous boy.

By:Shawnna-Leigh Barbe


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  • 17 years ago

    by halie

    Lol thats rlly good
    i feel the same way
    great poem

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