
by Bubbles   Jan 26, 2008

You were my dream when I was not sleeping
Just saying your name makes my stomach tight
You are a part of me that will not go away
I guess what it comes down to is love at first sight

The day I met you I wished you were mine
You made my heart turn in every direction
I watched as you walked from behind
You are the one I want there is no question

You are the reason I get up in the morning
I love your soft spoken voice
You made me fall in love without a warning
If I could have anyone you would be my choice

My friends tell me your to good for me
I do not hear them for I am too in love
I know I will only be with you in my dreams
Yet my dreams are all I have


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  • 16 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Umm, I liked it. The first two stanzas were the best, they were well written, but the other two just seemed like add-ons, like you had to put them there. I really like the lines 'You were my dream when I was not sleeping' and 'You made my heart turn in every direction', they were both well put and rather unique I thought.


  • 17 years ago

    by Tessy

    I love this poem..beautiful, it is right from the heart...Keep writing!

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