I remember

by Bubbles   Jan 26, 2008

I remember that first night together
The nervousness I felt being in your presence
With love in the air and you so close
I felt as if my life was complete

I remember the night we watched the stars
Sitting so close and feeling so in love
You told me you loved me you would be there till the end
I believed these words for they came out of your mouth

I remember when our life together was great
You would hold me tight and tell me you would never let go
You said I was your world and I said you were mine
The perfect couple we were, together forever

I remember that night you drove me home
The angry words I spoke to you
I left you in the cold for I was upset
You hurt me so, I just could not forgive

I remember that same night
You stayed outside till the sun awoke
Hoping for forgiveness but getting nothing
I just could not let it go

I remember that morning I said lets go our own ways
You said you could not for you loved me too much
And I took the key to my heart you held so lovingly
I locked it, threw it, for I hoped no one would find it

I remember a year later, you proved me wrong
You had once again found the key
You opened I heart and I let you in
We were once again that happy fairytale couple


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  • 17 years ago

    by Janine Alford

    Very good poem. It's has great flow

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