I Miss You

by 0ne L0ve   Jan 26, 2008

I miss you my baby,
I miss you so,
Sometimes I wish,
That you hadn't let go...

You made me cry,
And now I find,
That you and me,
Could never be...

I stood by your side,
Every night and day,
When finally,
I had to pray:

"God, please God!
Please let him stay,
Don't let the cancer,
take his life away..."

I see his pain,
I hear his cry,
Until one day,
He went bye bye...

There's not a day,
That I don't think of you,
My baby, if you can hear me,
Know this:

... I miss you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Krystal

    The first time I said I loved someone and meant it, was the very second he took his last breath. Do you think he heard me? >_>
    I really liked this poem. [:

  • 17 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    This poem is so beautiful, i have lost someone close to cancer and this is exactly how i felt!! your poem brought tears to my eyes!!! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Niinaa


  • 17 years ago

    by Heer

    Awww. that is so sweet ..
    nicley written..
    keep it up :]