Happing Ending

by Bekka Smekka   Jan 26, 2008

Sunlight filters through your hair,
beauty changing from red to gold.

Nothing can compare to the way i love you.
It's a love that can't be broken, a love thats true.

I never thought that you could love me,
I never thought that you would see.

For i was a stable boy and you a princess.
While i wore rags, your gown a silk dress.

One day you ventured beyond your tower,
i saw and picked you a sweet smelling flower.

From then on i was all you could see,
from that moment you fell in love with me.

So for a while we lived in happiness and joy,
then one day along came a boy.

Our son, our child was the light of our lives.
We were brought closer than other husbands and

From then on he grew and we laughed together,
and i knew we'd be happy forever and ever.

i'd just like to say i've never been very good at writing happy poems. i'd like your criticism to improve!!
please r.r.c


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  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    Liked the rhyming and how it was a fairytale as you can always do a part 2 and everything. awesome work.

  • 17 years ago

    by 0ne L0ve

    Thank you so much for the comment. I had no idea that my poem could actually bring tears to eyes. I really like this poem.

    Sunlight filters through your hair...

    Pure poetry :]

  • 17 years ago

    by Mello193

    First stanza didn't rymme but overall exelent...

    By birth: