Once Upon A Fairytale

by Pete   Jan 26, 2008

Once upon a twisted fable
In a Topsy-turvy world
A crazy, backward fairytale
Is starting to be unfurled

There was a fair and perfect maiden
Secured in a tall, dark haven
She won't let down her flowing locks
Because her head is shaven.

He played his pipe; a peaceful tune.
Led the kids across a nation
Amongst lies, slander, accusations
He was arrested for molestation

I rubbed a lamp, behold, a genie
That would grant my hearts desire
I wished for peace and happiness
Then he aged me so I could retire

Three Pigs were trapped by a giant wolf
Yet were safe for now, it seems
One thing the Pigs hadn't realized ...
Wolf had a cunning scheme

Their fort's secure with bricks and mortar
Has stood and barely shaken
So Wolf lit up the dynamite
That turned Pigs into smoky bacon

Old Bessie was just the best of cows
But Jack needed something to hawk
He knew a man who sold "Magic Beanz"
That grows into a huge beanstalk!

Everyone told young Jack "Nothing will happen"
Jack had much grander dreams
Dug his hole, then he watered and waited
Yet all he planted was some dried baked beans

I found the shiny glass and diamond slipper
Of the biggest of the "Ugly Sisters"
Stumbled upon my Sleeping Beauty
She slapped me when I kissed her!

The thought that "Happily Ever After"
is just around the next twisty bend
It's nonsense, rubbish, poppycock
Life's a struggle right to The End.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Don't know how I managed to miss this wonderfully penned humorous write. You have done an amazing job telling the twist of fairytale life. I wonder if my mom would have read truth's to me would I have turned out any different. Life is a struggle to the very end and you have nailed that in this write. Sometimes we can't see the truth because of what we have learned in fairytales. Awesome talent.

  • 17 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    Haha brilliant! I tried to pick out my favorite stanza but I couldn't choose! Each one was so hilarious and brilliantly written. You really did an amazing job with this poem and I had so much fun reading this...

    I rubbed a lamp, behold, a genie
    That would grant my hearts desire
    I wished for peace and happiness
    Then he aged me so I could retire

    Haha - interesting idea how retirement is the genie's way of brining us peace and happiness - very clever!

    Their fort's secure with bricks and mortar
    Has stood and barely shaken
    So Wolf lit up the dynamite
    That turned Pigs into smoky bacon

    ^^ Very funny.. great job with that stanza.. you have quite the imagination and great talent to tell such a story - based on fairytales but adding your own unique style and stories to them.

    The thought that "Happily Ever After"
    is just around the next twisty bend
    It's nonsense, rubbish, poppycock
    Life's a struggle right to The End.

    ^^Perfect way to end the poem. All fairy tales end with a happily ever after - but this poem is the opposite of all fairy tales so of course it cant end with one. Great job! Def a fun read.. it's good to get away from all the dark and sad poetry on this site.

    thanks for writing this poem! and thanks for the comment too! =)
    (I thought about changing the title on my poem as you suggested but I figured the title I have now actually draws more readers in to actually read the poem because a lot of people can relate to the title... =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Katelyn

    Omg thats halarious! how do you come up with this stuff???
    i dont where this comes from but you're really good at it. you know how to reach out to people through your poems and thats great!

    Keep it ^^!


  • 17 years ago

    by Cassie

    Love the ryming in this pem really good 5/5 mate x

  • 17 years ago

    by Just Keara

    Ha ha, i really enjoyed this poem. it has a nice rhyme to it and it's a good mockery, you could say, of the common fairy tales we all know. my favorite stanza

    He played his pipe; a peaceful tune.
    Led the kids across a nation
    Amongst lies, slander, accusations
    He was arrested for molestation

    lol. i loved it. show me some love back on some of mine if u can. :)