I sit by the window
And watch the beautiful sunset
I imagine you
Sitting near me
And holding me close
With my head on your chest
And your arms around me
Keeping me close
And keeping me warm
Then I come back to reality
Exactly where
I didn't want to be
Slamming doors
Yelling and screaming
Name calling
Throwing things
And hurtful words
Happen while
I'm sleeping
I hear it all
And all I yearn for is
Your arms
And your voice
And your kisses
To make me feel better
But if I yearn for you
Then why do I feel
So alone?
I need to cry
One someone's shoulder
But no one is near
No one to
Give me a kiss
And tell me is will be
I love John
But he's not here
In my bedroom
To tell me it's OK
That soon
Everything will be
Back to normal
The way is should be