The Story of Bella

by Bella   Jan 27, 2008

"Tonight the Dangerous Angels shall meet at nine."
Bella smiled, wondering the groups next crime
Meya excused the meeting, but Bella stayed
The plan for the evening, out the two laid

"This will be great, Bella. He comes again tonight."
Meya dismissed Bella, though I knew this would end in a fright
"What shall you do with him, he isnt blessed?"
Bella pointed out, showing the holy crest

"He cant stay here, maybe i shall be freed"
Meya said, only considering her greed
For when in heaven it struck nine
Belial arrived, looking mighty fine

"Hello my ladies, we need to hide"
To his orders, The group did not abide
When safely hidden, Meya spoke out
"Let you and me leave Belial, them without"

Belials eyes glazed over as he spotted the one girl
The look of passion made Meya want to hurl
"Belial, remember, I'm better then the rest"
Meya reminded him, getting quite stressed

"Times change love, I see my future bride"
Over towards Bella did Belial glide
One touch of his hands on Bella's soft cheek
Where his fingers grazed left a black streak

The demon pulled his hand back for the angels face
A black pit swelled in him of horrendous disgrace
Though Belials love for Bella did not leave
and Belials heart isn't what Meya achieved

Jealousy captured Meyas mind quite fast
An idea popped into her head with a blast
As god most trusted angel, she knew he would believe
this dirty trick she had up her sleeve

"Father father, its Bella. she corrupted"
From her mouth the words erupted
God knew of only one thing to do
He hoped what Meya said couldn't be proven true

But as he saw what Belial did
The black mark Bella try to hid
But it was to late, for god had seen
Bella became a fallen, only at the age of eighteen


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  • 17 years ago

    by SweetElectric

    Wow this is amazing! enchanting and beautiful