Throw Away Children

by Deana   Jan 27, 2008

He stood staring
Hearing the echo of their words
He was familiar with their terms now
Anger covering the hurt

Her parental rights were severed
He knew what that meant
They said they gave her welfare
On drugs the check was spent

Another program, another group home
More strangers to meet
New rules, more fights
At least there's food to eat

No hope of going home now
Oh yea , no hope at all
Seroquel helps the anger
Bits of truth, in graffiti on the wall

Sad eyes, no rest
New staff, more tests
Where to place him "he scores very low"
He couldn't care less to what school he should go.

No foster home would take him
He's quite angry you see
Don't look beyond the paper work
Stick him in a program, and leave him be

No one wants to see
The pain on his face
Throw away children
the worlds disgrace.


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  • 16 years ago

    by JR13

    When u think about it all its really messed up. ur very good at ur job n i bet my life on that. u see wut they see n even beyond that. but if this is real then i suggest u dont give up that kid which i doubt u will. we need more people like u

  • 16 years ago

    by H E Losey

    The truth well written and thought through. Working in a High School I see this too often and there seems to be no cure.

  • 17 years ago

    by Hebe

    What a amazing piece!
    So emotional, so sad and so beautiful written.
    A great meaning.
    Well done!
    Take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is totaly heartbreaking. What a piece to bring to light the plight of so many of our children. The future. Wow. This one packs a punch. You do so much good Deana. What a very emotional and sad poem. Society needs to look to somehow make these things right once more.
    Great job!
    Love cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Todd

    What matters most to me about this poem is not what it says, but where it's coming from. It is my understanding that you work with children like this, and so it's obvious to me that this is a real experience and a real heartache for you. It shows in the poem.

    Congratulations for probably the single most real poem I have ever read.

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