Angel with out wings

by Watches Above Us   Jan 27, 2008

He knows he has done good
He just wants to go to heaven
But its not his time

His parents knew he was an angel
But later in life he knew there was no place for him
All he would do was help people

But when he needed help no one was there
He did so much good
He did no evil
He was here to do gods work

He is an angel with out wings
He is an angel far away from home
But one day he will go up there
When we don't need him any more

God bless


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  • 16 years ago

    by your love is mine

    Aw this poem is really good.=)

  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Great job. sounds like a beautiful angel who deserves to have comfort...his time will come. god bless