The #10

by Madison   Jan 27, 2008

The truth
last and final victory
i fear it has left me with little but my sanity
entrenched in the upheaval that is my life
all this contrasting hate spinning into a void
if all where lost id feel as if id done nothing all along
for all i have is not
dignity nothing but a word holding me in the bondage of my own pride
i fear that the loss of my own dreams will result in the decimation of my frail countenance
after every day i seem to find that life's short works have left me to die
a huddled mass upon the ground wishing the father would let loose the vengeance of his fury
but all i feel is the rain
gently splashing against my face
trickling to the ground below
to comfort the soil and its everlasting presence
fear no longer sits with me for he has now been answered in short
the empty space where once he sat a cold reminder of this detestable fate
the stench of injustice flares
a constant reminder
to move in the daylight is to burn
night like a mother gently enfolds
holding us close maternal in nature she only wishes to love her child
i fear the sun his throne set in the heavens
if all is sin then i am its child for in these dark times the
the newborn is no longer Innocent
if this is truly all life has to offer then perhaps i was better off without


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    Nice write, agian all that said and no rate, i gotcha ur back! lol
    5/5 always

  • 17 years ago

    by geeeeee

    I seriously don't know what mello193 was reading because that poem was absolutely amazing.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mello193

    It was good, not great. You gotta work on the form a little and try rhmming a little more. It did have some good visionary though. Just try. You'll get through. And good luck dude

    Hit me up anytime bro