Missing you grandpa

by HisBlueEyedAngel   Jan 28, 2008

Grandpa we all will miss you
now that your gone here I
am in Texas because of your loss
what do I do?
Your not here to save me from
grandma and you know how she
is. Your not here to tell every one
to stop fighting.

Why does every one have to be this
way? We are all here to remember you
not fight it is almost as if every one
doesn't even know or notice that your
not here.

All they care about is themself and
don't care to remember you if you
even say your name or talk about
you they say lets just not think about
him as if he was never here.

What do I do now that your not here
I don't know what to do.
I don't want to come back here to visit
them because all they do is fight
and are sooo negative.


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