He said he was sorry, that he would never lie,
But sorry to say he lied that time.
He lives his life in nothing but lies and terrible dishonest.
He lied so many times that no one believes him.
He just doesnt care.
We have tried to help but he pushes us away,
As he screws up again.
Oh look now hes in a mess,
Will that boy learn that lieing isnt his path.
But yet again he has failed to come to the right path.
So here he is sitting down looking all sad,
For he has finally realized that his lies lost him everything.
He lost his home, and his job, and he will soon lose me too.
I guess he didnt realize what he had so good,
But i guess he had to lose us to figure what good he had.
But i guess he got what he deserved,
Because once he started lieing,
He could never be saved.