They say

by Lizaveta   Jan 28, 2008

They say, they say the distance keeps the fire
They also say that time can cure
But now, look, I'm nothing but just tired
And don't know if we'll manage to get through

Everyday forgetting to drop you a letter
And wondering why don't you write a word to me
Reminiscing happy days we had together
I opened my eyes to finally see
How huge the world turned out to be

Looking through millions of our pictures
Desperate to feel how it used to feel that time
Knowing now it all turns in kind of fiction
Knowing that I am not yours and you are not mine

Everyday thinking of what could have happened
I even don't know, would we ever meet again.
Just I cant put everything I feel now in a letter
Because I'm not already sure you feel the same.

I know, there is a chance we meet, and I am hoping
That I'll finally have a chance to look into your eyes
Difficulties might come but together we'll be coping
In this world of sun, and birds, and butterflies

But God knows, it is twice harder when we're asunder
And when I lose my will, and we don't keep in touch
I am confused, I'm wordless and just wonder:
How can it be, how can I still love you so much?

They say, they say that distance doesn't matter
And it cant break your love and bliss
I say: please, value every moment spent together
And every touch, and every word, and every kiss
Because thats what u gonna keep forever
And thats exactly what you are gonna miss.


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  • 16 years ago

    by noha

    Good work keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Another absolutely beautiful poem! I'm impressed... The flow was great, the word choice was decent, and the concept was brilliant! 5/5

  • I can relate to this pom as I'm sure many others can.The flow was pretty good and I liked your wording.5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni

    This is like one of those perfect break up poems that every girl needs to read when their boyfriend just broke up with them. Wow! I absolutely loved it, this is definately my favorite poem of yours I have read [thus far]

  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    Boy...I really feel this ....I think it's just great....thanks....xoxoxo