Died Young

by Tiffany   Jan 28, 2008

I heard my name as he shot the gun
I did not have time to move.
I felt the pain go through my chest as I stumbled back and fell.
I could not believe I was going to die.
I screamed for my Mum, and I screamed for my Dad,
But no one answered.
I even screamed for my three children and there was no reply.
As I lay here on the floor bleeding to my death,
I think why my lord, why me?
I have three children all under seven,
And they need me so bad.
Was it because I was so young wehn I had my daughter?
I hear the siren coming to help,
but Im already to far from home, To be brought back.
I finally cry to myself,
Becasue Ive finally lost every thing.
God lends out his hand and I take it gently.
He smiles warmly and is oh so free.
I wish I could tell my husband and children I loved them, before I was shot, but I could not.
Now I sit in Heaven thinking about my children.
I will never see my girls first date,
Or prom, and we will never talk about boys.
And Ill never be able to teach them right from wrong.
I cry softly as I hear God behind me,
"You may have died young at sixteen, But you have past your life onto your children" He told me.
Maybe he is right,
But I still died young by being shot by my lover, the man I loved.
As I leen over the water bowl I see my sons and daughter cuddling together.
Maybe God was right I think,
Maybe it is just the begining of a new life,
Just a world I cant be in.
As I see my children,
I smile for I know I will be able to watch them,
And someday meet them again.
I may have died young,
But I have so much still to live for.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jes Miller

    Wow..i really liked it. It sent chills down my spin, and a little teary eyed. I love your writting!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    This is really different but I like it a lot! It has great emotion in it. A really good piece :)