Moving on...(Sooooooooo far from u)

by Freedom   Jan 28, 2008

I can't wait till you gone away
Cause then I.Can move on..
cant wait till you're gone

You sit there in front of me
Looking to me with your icy eyes.
I don't know you anymore
You are not that one whom I used to know
You are not the one whom I used to love
The soul of you is full of shadow
Dark and cold,,It doesn't matter
I just cant be with u anymore
Not in this life
It cuts like a knife to rememeber what u did
Was it good to play with me?
Was it good?you used me
Wonder what I did bad to you
Since all I did was loving you
Somebody told me that when u give
To boy all he wants
He quickly gets bored.
Now I know its the truth
I gave my everything to u
And what did you give to me?
Thanks,but finaly I m moving on.
I really cant wait till you are gone.


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  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    OMG.. that is an amazing poem.. I know exactly how you feel.. it's sad when you realize that you really don't know the person you have spent such a long time with.. anymore.. they have changed... but it's even sader when they hurt you in ways you never thought would be possible... Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Love vs Fate

    This is a very good poem freedom. i like it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    Sweet! It's really good. Right to the point. keep writing...xoxo

  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    I can tell that you have talent in writting such poems but like i used to say "poems are feelings"

    those true feelings of you made you write such touching poems

    wish you the best life ever

  • 17 years ago

    by hopefulsmile

    Very good poem , and expressive. keep writing. waiting ur new work :-)