The Rules of Life

by Zachary Santana   Jan 29, 2008

The rules of life are hard to obey.
There are usually the long way or the short way.
But one way has to be the hard way.

The rules of life are also easy to betray.
When there is nothing standing in your way.
People make these decisions every day.

The rules of life can stop you from taking the wrong way.
Its like a delay on the freeway.
But only you can choice the right way.


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  • 17 years ago

    by nering

    I LOVE IT LOVE IT.....its short but straight to a vivid point!!! such a truth poem and i love poems that give morals and truths

  • 17 years ago

    by Janine Alford

    I love your poem.It's so true.If we do obey rules they can save us.Excellent job.Keep up the good work.Don't ever stop writing about what you feel.