So different, so alone

by Krayz Lyfe   Jan 29, 2008

Here i am
not knowing what to do
thinking, searching
but yet, I'm still confused
nobody knows me
nobody knows my dark secret
if i were to come out
would i be filled with guilt and regret?

I'm different
so different
from the rest of my peers
they'd discriminate
and hate me
yes, they'd hate the queer

they think their way
i think mine
i mean,
i am the gay,
the lesbo, the dyke
call me what you like
but that shouldn't stop me
from being me
yes, i like girls
and yes, i would scream
and i would scream it proudly...

...but here
at this Christian school
i conceal myself
because i have to hide
i watch these people judge me
while i slowly die inside

I'm different
so different
from the rest of my peers
they'd discriminate
and hate me
yes, they'd hate me
because i am "the" queer...


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