
by BlEeDiNg FoR tHe OnE i LoVe   Jan 29, 2008

You said it was over
Tried not to cry
Now im without you
And i wanna die

You never called
But said we were friends
I wish the feelings inside
For you would just end

Sometimes you talk
Like you want to be together
But you done told me
It wont happen again, Ever

I hate feeling this way
But I love you like crazy
Want to be the one
You forever call baby

I know this sounds stupid
But that weekend was super
As much as i hate to say it
I'll always love you Cooper!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by silence

    Excellent poem. Sorry I couldn't respond sooner. Thank you for your comment. Do you really have my poem hung on your wall? That means ALOT to me. You are a very good poet. Keep on writing!!

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