My dear Alan.

by Victoria   Jan 30, 2008

My dear Alan,
You passed away so young, at the age of only 20,
You didn't even get to celebrate your 21st birthday,
I miss you everyday, it hurts so bad when I start to think of even the good times you and I had together..
I remember you telling me, you wanted to date me
you loved me so much & would never hurt me
You knew the sh!t that's happened to me, the issues
I've dealt with, the problems I've had with my family
you were there every moment I needed you, I even woke you up at 3 in the morning a few nights, crying my eyes out, and you just laid there, not sleeping, but not talking, just listening, I wish to God I could go back
go back in time, to the time where I had you, The day before you died, you & I had gotten into an argument,
I wouldn't end it with my boyfriend & be with you, you thought you could treat me better then he has been..
I told you to fck off and go die, but now I'm biting my lip because it seems it really happened.. I won't ever
forgive myself, you had so much to live for Alan, you were so sweet & nice, I wish I could bring you back, just one more time, one more hug in your warm embrace, one more kiss from your soft lips, Everyone told me, you died in a car wreck, you were driving in the rain from a job interview, I didn't even get to speak to you that morning, I know your making everyone in Heaven laugh, you always had that special talent, I'm a little jealous of it though, because I wish you were still here on Earth with us, your friends, your family, your little niece that thought the world of you..

I love you my Dear Alan, and I hope one day we'll get to be together for now I know your in heaven watching over me, and I'm thankful for that.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Angel

    Very touchy!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Allie

    O my gosh!! i almost started crying when i read this!