The Right Move

by Jordan   Jan 30, 2008

You're feeling tired,
While you're cuddling with me,
You close your eyes,
And fall to sleep.

You dream of the life you want to have,
You would do anything for a taste,
You said if I wasn't here,
Your life would be a waste.

But I know that's not true,
Because you mean a lot to me,
Close your eyes,
And you will see.

Sleeping so soundly on my lap,
Moving so slightly,
Like a stalking cat.
You lift up your head and look in my eyes,
Seeing my life isn't full of lies.

Staying faithful is my plan,
You said that I'll always be your man.
So I never want to mess that up,
Because being with you makes my heart erupt.

You grab my hand and then you say,
"I want to be with you everyday."
Of course I think that's the right move,
Rubbing your neck,
And I'm getting tired too,
You are what I'm trying to soothe.

Kissing your neck and rubbing your back,
If anything happens to you,
I'll be sure to attack,
But you're looking like you want to do nothing more,
Than sitting here which isn't a bore.

We cover up with your blanket,
While your eyes are closed I'm not sure if you fake it,
But I don't care,
As long as you're here,
And when I'm with you in my head I cheer,
I wouldn't do that out loud,
Because I'm afraid you would hear.

Then if you hear you would be done with your nap,
But I want to be with you as you make your night a rap,
You're sitting soundly on my lap,
If I never talked you that would've been a mishap.

Amanda is the girl that makes me happy,
And I write poems that seem sappy,
But they are all for her,
Because I love you,
And that for sure,
She knows it's true.

Keeping you with me is my immediate choice,
I respect you when you speak your voice,
But when you talk you say you feel the same,
And you are in the same mind frame.

Knowing you're with me makes me know
That our relationship has nothing to lack,
My eyes are getting heavy,
While I'm rubbing your back.

Your getting cozy makes me tired at the sight,
I kiss your head,
We close our eyes,
I love you,


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  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! that is such a sweet poem! i loved ur emotion and ur honestly in it. really good job.