I Loved her first

by Light   Jan 30, 2008

I loved her first
I didn't even know here name or if she got a man, but the way she sound was the beautiful voice on my ears,the way she laugh it was something I cannot forget

I loved her first
B/c she dididn't know how I look, but she was already in love with me, she wrote a poem about my name & that brought tears on my eyes, she loves me for who I was.

I loved her first
B/c she told me I was sexy, she had a dream about how are future is going to be, the first time I saw her I didn't wanted to leave. When she hugs me I didn't want it to let her go. I loved her
First b/c she was my first love.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Siham

    We're all remember vividly our first love , but as 'Moucha aka loverboy' said ; the majority of our 1st love stories dont last forever .
    Nice poem & good way of expressing ur feelings 5/5
    good job

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    " here "should be "her ". first stanza.

    having someone to accept us like we are , and se the beauty we are. is very rare in tehse days where everyone care about looks adn money. first loves are true , but from my experience they are not ever lasting .

    i loved the structure of your poem , and the natural composition of the causes.

    it si a good free verse one , keep it up

    and welcome to our club ^_^