I have had strange dreams before
I have had dreams of life
And also dreams of dead
I have had dreams that made me feel
As if I was living the dream itself
But never have I had a dream
In which my senses were a part of it
Never did I actually feel
The moment someone touched me
Never have I had such a dream
In which I felt the other persons breath
As she was laying next to me
That one moment I saw you in that dream
Those seconds that it lasted
I could have sworn you were actually there
In my bed laying next to me
Everything around me looked so real
You felt so real to me that moment
It took me by total surprise
As I woke up I was totally confused
I did not know whether I had just woken up
Or if I had just fallen asleep instead
It took me a while to come back to reality
From a reality that seems was only in my head