
by Ayumi   Jan 30, 2008

The best are always by your side
No matter what rules they should abide
Like "don't hit others", to "don't pull her hair",
They would say "So what?" & don't even care!

They stick up for you when problems come
and help you when you're feeling numb
They stick with you through ups & downs
and make you smile instead of frown!

Choose your friends wisely
and always treat them nicely
If your friends and pals don't treat you well
then it's time to bid them a farewell!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Rosalinda Dolot

    I was amazed to read your nice poem knowing from your profile that you're just 11 years old.

    You're such a wonderful and talented young girl. Keep it up dear!

  • 16 years ago

    by Tara

    Very cute, and kinda funny, enjoyable to read---tara

  • 16 years ago

    by MEMI

    Aww that is true your friends are there 4 u

  • 17 years ago

    by Anime Lover

    I like this poem ^_^ Yup friends stick up for each other and always pick your friends wisely
